dimanche 24 décembre 2006

Leaving .Hampi

A small village, close to Hampi, the only festivity where muslims and hinduists join together; sorry i don't remember the name...
Men were very excited...

samedi 23 décembre 2006

Tank. Hampi

Queen's bath III. Hampi

Queen's bath II. Hampi

Queen bath. Hampi

Germen music. Hampi

Theater repetition. Hampi

A german theater troup in repetition; they perform freely tonight in the entrance of the temple.

Working women V. Hampi

Working women IV. Hampi

Working women III. hampi

Working women II. Hampi

Working ladies. Hampi

Working for historical excavations.

Image of Narasimha. Hampi

The fourth incarnation of Vishnu, with Ananta ,the seven heas snake.

Lying god. Hampi

Carved in the rock, close to the lingams.

Abandonned gods. Hampi

Inside one of theese temples.

Outdoor lingam V. Hampi

with the temple in background.

Outdoor lingam IV . Hampi

Outdoor lingam III. Hampi

Outdoor lingam II.Hampi

Outdoor lingam. Hampi

The lingam is dedicated to Shiva, we can see it inside the temples, here it is outside, a little bit like in Petra we can see outside autels on top of some hills.
Was it the first religious place in hampi?

Carved rock. Hampi

In the middle of a cliff...

Rituals II. Hampi

The whote and red pigments show a recent ritual.

Rituals. Hampi

In this cave, used as a temple since centuries, and far from the village, I have been surprised to see that some rituals are still practiced...here in front pf theese curved wall of the cave, a terracota representation and some ghee lamps.

The holy tree. Hampi

People come here with full sachets, I don't know if there are offerings...if some local can give infos...

Achyuta raya temple. Hampi

Seen from top of Matanga temple.

On top of Matanga hill. Hampi

This man is sitting here waiting for people, to show them a notebook where he drawed many religious symbols.

Hampi colonnade.

Hampi viewed from Matanga hill.

Hanuman. Hampi

Sunsetting scenery. Hampi

Men renewing a temple, while this woman drive the cows to the stable.

Orange. hampi

Drying. Hampi

In the sunsetting light, the cows are coming back...in the bachground an old temple.

The brahmane's laundry. Hampi

While the fishing party begins, a brahmane just arrive for his laundry.

Fishing party. Hampi

Going on board. hampi

Not so easy to go on board for a fishing party...

Before the puja. Hampi

Pilgrims before the puja, in the sunsetting light, in this wonderful landscape.

Coracles and washing-up. Hampi

On the bank of the river, sun is setting very quiet moment...

Stone chariot II. Hampi

Pilgrims keep on practicing some rituals here...

Vitthala temple II. Hampi

Vitthala temple. Hampi

Frangipani in the Vitthala temple. Hampi

Stone chariot. Hampi

The famous stone chariot of the Vitthala temple; the stone wheels can turn!

Water carrying. Hampi

Little shepperds and gods. Hampi

Goats shepperd at the entrance of an ancient temple, used by the farmers.

Historical excavation. Hampi

In the lands, all around Hampi, people are working among the ancient temples.

Idol in trunk. Hampi

Blue woman and god. Hampi

She looks sweet and she is. She works in Hampi and introduces you to a pictures exhibition in this ancient building. I suppose not so many people are interested because she went to me and proposed me to visit..

White house. Hampi

In Hampi, wonderful place where people still live in ruined temples, as did before the beduins of Petra.

Lonely. Hampi

Family. Hampi

In Hampi, wonderful place where people still live in ruined temples, as did before the beduins of Petra. Here a family, whose house inside a column galery.

mercredi 29 novembre 2006

Frangipani. Hampi

In the Vitthala temple, a very old tree.